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Counter-Strike 2's hottest new strategy is the Michael Jackson Peek

You can't beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it

The Michael Jackson Peek Shoot from Counter-Strike 2 in action, with one player defying physics and sloping around a corner with their feet rooted to the spot.
Image credit: thekappa27

Counter-Strike 2 players have discovered a novel method of peek-shooting, the Michael Jackson Peek, which makes them look like the King of Pop, doing one of his slip-slidey dance moves. You might say there's been an outbreak of Smooth Crime, hee heeee! Sorry, I wish I were cool enough to explain this properly. It's probably best you just watch the footage below.

It's not some fleeting glitch. The move appears to have been in Valve's shooter since before the 1.0 release, going by the other videos I've dug up, and people are now using it in pro matches. Players have discovered a custom key bind that lets you perform the trick by running while holding alt key, though as with any and all acts of meddling beneath a game's hood, please deploy it at your own risk.

Interested? Thrilled, even? Simply paste this into the autoexec file - located at Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\cfg\autoexec.cfg - and off you go, you speed demon, you superfly sister, you little red corvette! Wait, scratch that last one, it's by Prince.

I haven't seen any evidence that the Michael Jackson Peek gives you a huge edge in Counter-Strike 2, but the surprise and hopefully, paralysing upsurge of pop nostalgia when another player sees you do it for the first time will probably count in your favour. If you're worried about getting banned for cheating, it may reassure you to know that the official Counter-Strike 2 Xitter banner art now looks like this.

Counter-Strike 2 art from Valve with Michael Jackson imposed on it, referencing a new peek-shooting move.
Image credit: Valve

I'm going to call that Valve giving the move their blessing.

Boring people who prefer to play Michael Jackso- sorry, Counter-Strike 2 properly might want to check out Ollie's guides to the best Counter-Strike 2 settings and the best Counter-Strike 2 crosshair codes. Or if you've yet to take the plunge with Valve's latest, not-yet-greatest teamfest, check out our Counter-Strike 2 review from Ed Thorn, who told me about the Michael Jackson Peek over lunch today. Thanks Ed!

A last word of advice. Should you find yourself in a match with a bunch of Smooth Criminals, please know they're out to get you, better leave while you can. Don't want to be a boy, you want to be a man. You want to stay alive, better do what you can, so ragequit, just ragequit.

Don't worry, you can always blame it on the boogie. And on that note, I do believe I've just been fired?

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Edwin Evans-Thirlwell

News Editor

Clapped-out Soul Reaver enthusiast with dubious academic backstory who obsesses over dropped diary pages in horror games. Games journalist since 2008. From Yorkshire originally but sounds like he's from Rivendell.
