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Starfield In Their Footsteps walkthrough: Meeting The Hunter

Here's what happens when you come face-to-face with The Hunter and The Emissary during In Their Footsteps

The corridor as you board the Scorpius to speak with The Hunter and The Emissary in Starfield.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bethesda Game Studios

How can you finally uncover the truth from the Starborns during the In Their Footsteps mission? Starfield finally puts players face-to-face with their adversaries, the Starborn, in the 13th main quest. It marks a pivotal point in the storyline which will reveal some important answers to questions that players have been accumulating since the very beginning.

It's important to note there are some spoilers ahead should you be delving into this mission with fresh eyes. You won't need your best weapons here, so make sure you know how to holster your weapons and prepare instead for some in-depth dialogue.

Was Starfield worth the wait? Liam and Alice B discuss this question - and more - in the video above.Watch on YouTube

Starfield In Their Footsteps walkthrough

To complete the In Their Footsteps mission, you'll want to complete the following objectives:

  1. Hail and dock with the Scorpius
  2. Talk to The Hunter
  3. (Optional) Talk to The Emissary
  4. (Optional) Talk to The Hunter
  5. Leave the Scorpius

There's a lot of dialogue to both gain entry to the Scorpius and once you board. Follow our detailed steps below to set you in best steed in conversation with the Starborn.

1. Hail and dock with the Scorpius

As you find the Scorpius in orbit, the first step is to initiate a dialogue with The Hunter by hailing the ship.

It doesn't matter what you choose to say to The Hunter as they will invite you to dock with the Scorpius and board for a cease fire meeting alongside The Emissary who is already there.

2. Talk to The Hunter

Players speak with The Hunter aboard the Scorpius in Starfield.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bethesda Game Studios

The Hunter introduces The Emissary standing alongside him as the pilot of the Helix who spoke to you at the end of the All That Money Can Buy mission.

Spoilers ahead! The Emissary will reveal themselves dramatically as the companion you lost in the High Price to Pay mission, although from a different universe. The concept of multiverses, Starborn, and Unity begin to be explained once and for all by The Hunter, who will be revealed as an alternate Keeper Aquilus.

3. (Optional) Talk to The Emissary

Players speak with The Emissary aboard the Scorpius in Starfield.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bethesda Game Studios

At this point, you can speak to The Emissary and ask some further questions, but you don't have to. There's a range of topics to discuss and once you've finished the list, you can move on.

4. (Optional) Talk to The Hunter

Or, you can also optionally choose to speak to The Hunter again and ask more about Unity, Starborn, and the hunt for the artifacts. Again, you don't have to.

5. Leave the Scorpius

Whether you've chosen to speak to The Emissary and The Hunter again or not, upon leaving the Scorpius, The Emissary will stop you to give you a way to another artifact. He will send you to the Nova Galactic Research Station on Earth's Moon and give you a Moon Base Key to gain entry.

Concluding this Starfield mission will also grant you access to two new main quest missions; Unearthed and Final Glimpses.

The search for artifacts continues! As you embark on the next quests in Starfield's main storyline, it's wise to reflect on your chosen weaponry before you progress from the best guns, best melee weapons and best pistols to protect you for what lies ahead.

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Grace Dean

